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Success and Depression

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It's 4 pm, your struggling to write your blog post for the week or going over finances for your business. You are tired. You lost all the interest in the dreams that you are creating. All you want to do is give up because you don't think it is worth it anymore.

Depression has Hit. Now, what do you do?

I want you to read on.


How does depression affect success?

Depression is a virus that completely consumes your body and mind. Your thoughts change, energy is lost, and hope just vanishes from your eyes.

While working towards your dreams, this could happen, or it is happening to you right now.

Depression affects your ability to succeed so much. It can make you unable to work, it takes away your creativity, your motivation is nowhere to be found. All you want to do is climb into bed and never leave.

Depression affects me so much every day and especially when trying to live my dreams. Every day I just want to give up and end my blog because I don't think I will be successful.

It even gets to the point where I would say it's not even worth it. So why bother?

But, I learned to redirect my thoughts to positive ones. It took me a long time to perfect it, but I know you can do it.

Your dreams are important. You deserve to achieve them and more.

I know it is hard right now, and you are struggling to live your dreams. But I am here to help.


Can you be successful with a mental illness?

I read about this question a lot.

I suffer from Bipolar Disorder. The short version of it is severe mania with severe depression. It puts a strain on trying to create a successful dream and stick with it.

I gave up so many times because my depression took over my body to the point I could not leave my bed for days. Or that I would not be able to focus for success.

Mental illness does not need to be an obstacle in your goals. In fact, mental illness may be correlated with success in certain professions. For example, many successful people that lived and are living with bipolar disorder.

  1. Vincent Van Gogh

  2. Edward Allen Poe

  3. Russell Brand

  4. Maria Carey

  5. Mel Gibson

I can go on and on, but you see my point. You can be successful with a mental disorder.

Here are 3 things I have learned on my journey to be successful with a mental illness.

1.When you feel overwhelmed. Stop and reassess.

When you are on the verge of a burn out you really need to stop and ground yourself. Practice self-care, take a walk, or even talk to a therapist. You are not capable of creating a successful environment when you are running around unable to accomplish anything. Just take a step back and breathe.

When I get overwhelmed, I like to draw a hot bubble bath, pick up a motivational book and relax. It does me wonders. I feel amazing afterward.

2.Keep telling yourself you are capable of success.

Affirmations! They are your best friend. I practice this multiple times a day. I tell myself that I am strong, beautiful and Hella freaking powerful. Every time I start to feel that inner voice creeping in, I will say it until I believe it.

Affirmations are phrases you positively say to yourself. I tell myself I am strong, I am beautiful, and I am hella freaking powerful. I will say this anytime that inner voice stops to bring me down.

But, remember you are unique. What works for me and others might not work for someone else. All you have to do is try and see.

3.Organize your day.

This is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Schedule your day. From the time you get out of bed till the time you go to sleep.

Doing this helps you stay on your toes with what needs to be done. I have a priority journal that I write in every day. I write down the three things that I want to accomplish for the day. One is always towards my goals no matter what.

It reduces stress and improves aspects of your life, and makes time for not only your goals but for self-care as well. Which is extremely important when you have a mental illness.

Also, in doing this, you can establish healthy routines and positive habits to further create the dreams you want to achieve.


How do people with depression view themselves?

People with depression view themselves in a pessimistic form. They don't see the bright side of everything. But, they need to understand that it is not their fault and that it is not really them thinking that way. It is the depression doing it.

I used to think that it was my fault that I couldn't do anything because I was just useless. That depression was just an excuse for being lazy and incapable.

Until I finally got some help I needed and found out that it is just a mood disorder. Like my bipolar, I had no control over it. It causes an imbalance in your brain that causes all the negative thinking and even physical effects.

So you are viewing yourself as worthless. You are far from that. You are in a battle with your brain. You can win that fight by fighting back.


How to cope with depression?

Here are 2 tips I have picked up only the way of my depression cycles to keep me growing and creating my goals even when all I want to do is sleep and not move.


This is my number one way to cope with depression. I journal as you wouldn't believe! I write an article about the power of journaling here.

There are different types of journaling favorites that I use every day and sometimes twice a day.

1.Priority Journal

I used this on a daily to keep track of not only the productivity of my day. Also, to make sure I am getting the things done that I need.

This is where I place the 5-4-3-2-1 rule from Mel Robbins. When my timer goes off to do something one this journal. I count down and do it before my depression decides for me.

2.Brain Dump

This has got to be the top journal in my life when I am depressed. This journal is like your therapist that lets you vent. When I am feeling overwhelmed, I go to this and write for sometimes an hour.

The goal of this is to write down everything you are thinking and feeling. Forget how grammar and outlining. This is where you let it all free.

I promise you this will make you feel a thousand times better. Especially if you have someone to talk to as I do or want to burden them with your venting.

If you would like to read more, click here. Journaling: One Hell Of A Habit.


This is amazing! It reminds you every day how grateful you are and the things that you have in your life.

Every morning I write down 5 things I am utterly grateful for in my life.

  1. My home

  2. My Kids

  3. My Husband

  4. My Health

Those are the big things I know that I am grateful for, no matter how depressed. I write it down and repeat.

Then that evening, I write down 5 things that I am grateful for the day.

  1. Hot Joe

  2. Clean Clothes

  3. My children's Laughter

  4. What I had for dinner

  5. Also, my ability to write and read

Practicing gratitude might not seem like it will work. But I promise you after a few weeks of doing this while depressed, it will be something that you are looking forward to.


Daily Routine

Having a daily routine or just a morning routine is imperative when you are depressed wanting to be successful. Even if it is just a morning routine that you work on your goal for 1 hour. Then, lye in bed for the rest is freaking amazing.

That is one hour you spent one hour towards your goals. That is closer than not doing anything at all.

I focus on having a productive morning routine and a night routine that makes my morning much successful. You can check out my article Make your Bed: But first Coffee.



Living with depression is not a reason not to follow your dreams, Yes it might feel like it is impossible, but you can do it.

Every day you need to open your eyes and tell yourself that you are depressed right now, but it will not last forever. That you will get better.

Also, having a mental illness does not stop you from living your dreams. I used to think that way.

I'm 27, I finally figured out what I wanted to do with my life. I'll be damned if I let my Bipolar control that option for me.

Yes, it will be a lot of work. But with the right tools, it is a step closer for you to achieve them.


Thank you so much for reading my article. You are a rockstar and a badass. As always, remember you are strong, you are beautiful, and you are HELLA freaking powerful!

Ways Personal growth Is Effective In Career Development



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Hi, my name is Rebecca. I am the creator of Bipolar DragonFly. Here you will find many ways to improve your personal development, talk about mental health, and the habits and routines that you do.


   This fun, loving, supportive site is here for you. I'm excited to have you on this journey to become the best you can be. So sit back, relax and read on.

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