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Personal Growth: How To Be Disciplined

August 23, 2021 \\

Let's talk about everything Self-disciplined. You want to know why because it is one of the greatest habits to have in your life.

If you want to learn how to be disciplined and what you can do every day to achieve this groovy dream that you freaking deserve. Keep on reading babe.

Chart with disciple word around the word discipline

A quote that says with self discipline anything is possible
Discipline Quotes

What is discipline?

Discipline is to be true to yourself. To have the freedom and happiness of yourself. It builds your confidence and mental strength but also helps you grow as a person.

To be disciplined is to be able to be patient, understanding, and finish anything you start.

I honestly did even know what it was to be disciplined. I thought it was like to be in time out when you were a child or something. But it is so much more than that!

It is one of the core traits you need to become the person you want to be.

Quote that says " Self-discipline is when you conscience tells you to do something and you don't talk back.

What is the discipline in personal development?

Being disciplined is essential for your journey to personal growth and greatness. It gives you the ability to work harder and achieve everything that you start.

Imagine being able to finish losing that 10 pounds you have been talking about for 5 years. Or better yet, put in an application to go back to school for the career you want to advance in.

The options would be limitless! Your self-growth would triple by just being disciplined.

 picture of scrabble blocks that say If not now, when

What is the role of discipline in a personal development plan?

By achieving self-discipline, you have the opportunities to grow as a person. With this, you can develop positive habits and go through your goals like cutting through soft butter.

Without it, you will not accomplish anything you want to do. You are probably thinking, "Well, I don't have self-discipline. But I still accomplished my goals."

Let me explain. When you push through to achieve, that is you being disciplined. That is you, telling yourself that you have to do this for a better life.

So when applying this core skill into your daily routine and make it a habit. You will be an unstoppable babe!


How do you grow self-discipline?

There are so many ways to do this. So here is a crapload of ways you can improve in this area. Pick a few to start out and apply them to your life.

Challenge your own excuses.

Ask yourself these three questions:

If I die right now, would I regret not doing this?

If I did this, will I be more excited about my life?

Do I believe I have the strength and courage?

Delay gratification.

When you do this, it gives you self-control. You get more patience. So, when you accomplish something. Wait to celebrate.

Make choices in advance.

Know what you want to do before you do it. In doing this, you get ahead and in more control of what is going to happen.

Remove temptation

That means social media, certain foods, t.v and I can go on. Distractions make you work slower and less efficiently.

Consistent small habits.

Habits! these are the foundations of your core. The things that create the life that you have. Practicing and apply great habits into your life will help with not only your discipline. But also with successes in your life.

Check out this article for more: Personal Growth: The Power of Habits.

Practice focusing

As in Relentless by Tim S. Grover, he talks about how he trains his people to focus. When they are doing something, practicing, or whatnot. He will cause a distraction. Doing this teaches them how to concentrate harder on the task they are doing.

This is an awesome way to discipline yourself to focus. I have three kids, and I write with them screaming and climbing all over me. I still concentrate on this even though they are there. It's because I practice my discipline to focus.

Measure what you are doing.

Track what you are doing! I use a chart. I write out 13 weeks of my blog and what I will do every day. I then check off everything I do and at the end of the week see what my views were and what post did better than others and why.

Eat the frog.

Pretty much this means to do the hardest thing first. When you accomplish the hardest things first, the smallest sizes just flow.

Budget your energy, not your time.

I'm not a big fan of time management. I'm more of an attention management kinda person. You can tell yourself that you have an hour to do something and not accomplish anything. But, with attention management, you are more focused on what you are doing at the moment.

Show up no matter what.

When this is tough. You feel burned out. Like you are not getting anything done, you are a failure, and what's the point. I want you to use that to push yourself harder. To build a thick skin of strength and endurance.

When you do that, your discipline grows so much!

When you fall, get back up.

I mean always, get back up. If you think you don't have any support. Baby, I am here cheering you on as weird, black clothes, awkward cheerleader. Screaming, " Bitch you got this! You are an F'n badass and going to accomplish all of your F'n goals. You will do this!" ( I curse like a sailor, but you get it)

Do not expect perfection!

I used to pick at every detail. I mean everything till the core! I would take weeks deep cleaning the house when it is already clean because I forgot to clean the light switches or even the cracks under the floorboards.

What I learned when you focus on every detail, you fail easier, you don't get as much accomplished, and you obsess over all the wrong things

5-4-3-2-1 take action. Mel Robbin's style.

This is my favorite life hack. When you don't want to do something, count down from 5. Then, when you reach one, get your ass up and move. Do it before your brain tells you not to.

The thing is. The hardest part is starting anything after, is easy.

Remember your why.

Write down the reason you want to do something. What encourages you to fulfill this dream. Then every day, look at it. Hell, maybe even 30 times a day. Keep that motivation in your mind and heart.

For more about motivation, read this article. Motivation: Personal Growth.

A grapg that shows examples of self-discipline

What are some examples of self-discipline?

Let's go through some areas in which discipline is needed and involved.

Going to the gym 3 times a week for 2 hours and work out to the fullest. Rain, snow, or shine, you are there.

Keeping your mouth shut when someone is annoying or saying things with pure ignorance. (This is the greatest achievement of discipline that I am still working on.)

Creating a habit and following through.

Making it a rule that you finish everything that you start.

says I'm lazy with lazy crossed out and self-disciplined wrote beside it

What are the three types of self-discipline?

Preventative Discipline: Listening and following directions. Using your attention management to your advantage.

Supportive Discipline: Verbal and nonverbal warning to yourself to stay on track. Redirecting your attention to the thing you want to accomplish.

Corrective Discipline: Getting back up when you fall. Making sure you always get up after you lose hope or motivation.

Effective Strategies for Improving self control cartoon graph

How do you maintain discipline?

To maintain discipline takes a hella lot of work. But, you can do it by the habits that you create. Here are 2 ways to maintain your discipline.

Stay consistent. This is where the habit thing falls into. Always focus on why you are doing the things you want to do/

Make sure your punishments and rewards are clear. This means know what you get when you achieve. Also, what will happen if you don't do it.

Say's Discipline consistency, hard work, and dedication.

Why is self-discipline so hard?

Self-discipline is one of the hardest things to apply to your life when you never had it. It is also one of the hardest habits to create.

But, the honest truth on why is so hard. It's because you want the easy way out.

I'm not going to sugarcoat it for you. If everyone could do it, the world would be a much different place. If you have never been discipline you have to build up that thick skin to get you there.

You have to struggle, cry, and fight to build it up. You will always be building it up. It's a never-ending thing because there will always be something there that will challenge you, and you will have to be disciplined enough to make it through.

But, it is not impossible. Yes, it will be easier for some and harder for others. That is because everyone is unique. Everyone has lived different lives and had different things thrown at them.

Never measure your beginning to someone else's middle. Another one of my favorite quotes. You can start today and fall, then still be closer to your goals because you did something that made you closer than before.

Habit Chart routine reward and cue

How is self-discipline a good habit?

Mostly, because you will achieve a greater life. When you apply discipline into your life you finish everything that you start.

You lose the 10 pounds that you have been talking about. You take those night classes while working during the day to get your dream career. Basically, you become the person that you want to be.

You will have the discipline to maintain and succeed in your life. Which is a pretty awesome freaking thing!

Self-Disciplined flow chart

What are the benefits of self-discipline?

Here are 5 glorious benefits of the one and only self-discipline:

  • Self-discipline establishes inner strength and character.

  • Self-discipline enables you to withstand temptations.

  • Having self-discipline heightens your chances of success.

  • An individual with self-discipline builds better relationships.

  • Self-discipline makes it more difficult to be offended.

Imagine having all of that! You will be freaking superman!

Building blocks of developing discipline

How do I train myself to be more disciplined?

7 awesome of the sauce ways to be more discipline:

Countdown, then take action: As from above, I talked about the 5-4-3-2-1 Mel Robbin's technique. Countdown from 5 and then get your ass moving before your brain tells you not to.

Put your goals where you can see them every day: When you look at your goals every day it will motivate you to keep going. And in self-discipline, you need all of the motivations that you can get to keep you going.

Remind yourself why you started: Always remember why you started and why you need to finish.

Set small goals first: When you make bite-size goals from a larger one you are more likely to achieve them by going full out and burning yourself out.

Practice prioritizing: Know what you need to get done first! Don't focus on the little things that don't do anything. Focus on the things like working out every day instead of just studying about the workout.

Know your weaknesses: Yes! Knowing your weakness can make you stronger. You can learn how to fight through them and make them your strengths.

Get friends to hold you accountable: An accountability partner can be anyone. Even yourself. I hold myself accountable for everything that I do. Or you can get a friend or family member to make sure that you stay on track and finish what you start.



I can go on and on. Discipline is a habit. It will take a while to get into a groove as in any habit. Having this superpower can bring so much strength and positivity to your life. Then you will blossom like an easter Lilly in the spring in Ohio.

You have the power to be self-disciplined. You are an F'n warrior. A badass babe that can do anything they set their mind to. I am here supporting and cheering you on like a damn weirdo in the bleachers that is way too awkward to be even doing it. Because I have complete and utter faith in you.

I'm telling you right now to practice at least one form of discipline a day. Just one thing. Then after a while, add another, then another, and watch how your dreams start to be fulfilled.

Tell me why you want to be disciplined. The goal you want to achieve. Or even the life you want to live.


Don't forget to scroll down to the signup page my loves. I am working on a groovy email campaign that will knock your socks off!

Also subscribe to my very own Facebook group, Pinterest page, and Instagram for daily inspiration.

As always, remember you are strong, you are beautiful, and you are HELLA freaking powerful!



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Hi, my name is Rebecca. I am the creator of Bipolar DragonFly. Here you will find many ways to improve your personal development, talk about mental health, and the habits and routines that you do.


   This fun, loving, supportive site is here for you. I'm excited to have you on this journey to become the best you can be. So sit back, relax and read on.

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