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Personal Growth: The Curse Of Overthinking.

August 18, 2021 \\

Overthinking, one of the worse things to be stuck as. You are always so anxious. Thinking about what if this happens, or what if that happens.

You are stuck in an endless loop, and you are screaming to get out.

I'm here to help you. All you need to do is to keep reading...

women sitting on driver side of car with hand on your head with puzzled and worried face. She is overthinking

Table Of Contents:


A graphic orange head woth writing in the brain. the words are usual words when overthinking.

What is overthinking?

Overthinking could be many things. It could be an advancement in your life that brings you more success. It could be a plague that destroys you inside out.

Being an overthinker means that you have thought out every scenario in your head. And, depending on your mindset, it could be an inspiring or a crippling moment.

An Inspiring Example is if you have a positive mindset, you will be thinking of every positive thing that could happen. How you can succeed and how you can achieve so much and, the details that follow.

A Cripping Example. When you have a negative mindset, you will be thinking of everything that could happen. Every scenario where you fail. It gives your extreme anxiety, depression, and panic attacks.

man with plants growing out of head

How does overthinking affect your personal growth?

As read from above, overthinking can go one of two ways. But 9\10 of the time overthinking is over horrible scenarios, unfortunately.

But, how does it affect your ability to grow as a person? Well, if you have a positive mindset, it will put you on the path to success. You will find all the things you need to do to stay on that path.

If you have a negative mindset, it will be hard to succeed. But, not impossible. You will be caught up in the endless loop of "what if." Trust me when I say that if one of the worse things that loop around your brain.

The "what if" phrase is when you question if something will happen. For example, you are going into a job interview, and then you ask yourself. "What if I fail?" You are going in there with a failed mindset and will show that type of energy and insecurity.

women laying in bathtub with a smoke and candle in a dress overthing

Where does overthinking develop?

Now here is mostly going to talk about the negative part of overthinking. With positive thinking, it comes from years of positive thinking and support. But, negative thinking can come from many things.

Here are some examples:

When you were a child, you had poor parenting that made you question "what will happen?" daily.

If you failed at something, you then believe that you will fail at everything.

You relive embarrassing moments in my head repeatedly.

If you have trouble sleeping because it feels like your brain won't shut off.

If you ask me a lot of "what if..." questions.

If you spend a lot of time thinking about the hidden meaning in things people say or events that happen.

To add, overthinking can come from a mental illness such as depression and even PTSD. But, if you can acknowledge that there is something wrong, you can teach yourself coping ways to achieve your desire mindset.

women sitting on window seal depressed and overthinking

How does overthinking affect your health?

Yes! Overthinking causes problems with your health. I'm not just talking about mental health but physical health as well.

Here is a list of ways it can affect you:

  1. Body fatigue.

  2. Headaches.

  3. Body aches.

  4. Stomach Problems.

  5. Depression.

  6. Anxiety Disorders.

  7. PTSD.

  8. OCD.

Crazy right! That overthinking can cause all of those things. I am an overthinker, sometimes it's positive, and sometimes it is negative. I would spend hours to days on a subject. Causing my depression to get worse to the point I ended up in the doctor.

Remember, you can fight this, and you can overcome anything you put your mind to.

Yes, it will feel so hard and unbearable at the time. But it will make you stronger. So you never feel like that again.

2 teens holding up their projects in success

What are the benefits of being an overthinker?

One of the good things about being an over-thinker is that you stop and think.

  • It delays the decision-making process: So when you are confronted with a problem, you will be able to think of every detail that can happen.

Example: When you are asked a question about a life decision, you will look into every detail and event that happens to make your final decision.

  • It requires research: When you are an overthinker, you do a lot of research on everything. I mean EVERYTHING. So, you learn a lot of new things.

Example: If you are going to a job interview, you will research every detail about that company. How to present yourself and even how to dress. You feel more confident once you do the research.

  • It may include others in the decision-making process: When you are overthinking, you ask for another's opinion to further explain what you need to know.

Example: When you are asked about that job interview, you seek out others about the employment. To see if it will be a good fit for you.

  • It gives people the chance to reflect" You reflect on the situation you are in and need to gain more information about.

Example: You sit on it. Meaning that you reflect on everything you learned about that company, employee reviews, and scenarios that could happen if you got the job.


What are the disadvantages of being an overthinker?

1. It delays the decision-making process.

When a fast decision is needed. You are unable to give that answer in the timeframe that needs to be done.

2. It creates uncertainty and doubt.

You will, without a doubt, judge everything you do and rethink if it was the right decision or answer. You will not be able to be 100 percent certain of anything you make.

3. It eventually cedes leadership responsibilities to someone else.

You will not be able to be a leader. Because you are not able to make an informed answer or decision.

4. It creates an infinite loop of possibilities but without any implementation.

You get caught up in a loop. You will think you made a decision or response. But, you will come up with something else. It's neverending at times.

a head line drawing of a women with a quote

How to stop overthinking so much?

Step back and look at how you are responding.

Check into your emotions when you are getting stuck in that endless loop. You could start to be in fear that could stop you from making a decision.

Find a distraction.

Distract yourself! With a hobby, a book, movie, or even a fidget spinner. When you find a distraction to break through that obsession point, and can free you.

Take a deep breath.

Take a deep breath and only focus on that breath. The power of a deep exhale and a long exhale does wonders for our mind, body, and soul.


Guided meditation can help you on your journey to enlightenment. To come up with a clear picture that you need to achieve.

Look at the bigger picture.

How would this affect you? Also, will anyone really care about that 5 dollar picture that you want? Will it really make 5-10 years from now?

Do something nice for someone else.

Stick with your self-care! Self-care is essential in life. When you are not caring for yourself, you get some serious side effects. Overthinking, stress, and becoming burnt out.

Recognize automatic negative thinking/

Notice that you are negative thinking and use affirmations to redirect it to a positive thought.

Example: When you tell yourself you will fail this interview because you are a failure, redirect it. I want you to say, " I am going to conquer this interview because I achieve everything I desire."

Acknowledge your successes.

Notice the things that you have achieved. That will show that you are capable of success and achievement.

Stay present.

Always stay in the moment. When you are thinking far into the future that it doesn't even matter. Redirect yourself and focus on what could happen now at this moment.

Take action.

Take action! Stop with the thinking and just do it! When you just sit there and think, you get stuck in a loop. To get away from that, the top thing you do is just to do it already.

Practice self-compassion.

Acknowledge your feeling, accept your past mistake and learn from them, and be kind to yourself. Because putting yourself down gets you to know where but the same place you are at now. All you have to do is be nice to yourself.

Embrace your fears.

What I always say is never ignore your fears embrace them, acknowledge that they are there. Even live with them as a friend, because we keep our enemy's closer remember.

When you notice your fears, you can get ahead of them and learn to live with them positively. When you ignore the fear, it will rot inside you. Fester away at you, causing it to become overpowering.

Ask for help

Ask for help! Here is my article about asking for help and why you need to: Ask For F'n Help: The Hidden Secret.

Work on your mindset

Your mindset is the center of all, even before habits! Here is my article about growth and how to change your negative mindset to a positive: Grow Into Growth.


I like to call this a bitch journal. It is where you dump out everything you are feeling and overthinking. Then you read it and figure out a way to rewrite it into a positive.

You can read about the Bitch journal and how to use it here: Journaling. One Hell Of A Habit.



As you read, overthinking can have some positive benefits. But, what most people have is a bad reaction. But, it is not set in stone. You can develop a positive mindset and use your overthinking capabilities to create a powerful and fulfilling future!

Hell yeah, it will be hard. Just think of how much stronger you will be when you overcome it. Imagine the things you can get through ofter because of what you went through on your journey to become stronger.

Overthinking is a pain in the ass and happens to everyone. Some more than others. But, I believe that you can be a badass and overcome this. Follow those techniques from above and, you will be on your journey to becoming the leader and successor you want to become.

What are some tools that you use when you are stuck in the endless loop of overthinking? How do you get out?


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Also, follow my Pinterest, Facebook group, and Instagram for some inspiration on the daily.

As always, remember you are strong, you are beautiful, and you are HELLA freaking powerful.

Overcoming Anxiety To Live Your Dream!



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Hi, my name is Rebecca. I am the creator of Bipolar DragonFly. Here you will find many ways to improve your personal development, talk about mental health, and the habits and routines that you do.


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