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Personal Growth: Gratitude At Its Finest.

August 20, 2021 \\

Imagine waking up with a smile on your face and ready for the day. Sounds freaking amazing right! Now, I want you to imagine going to bed and sleeping. Not thinking of a million and 2 things. Just sleeping with a smile.

My awesome and groovy friend named gratitude is here to help. So let's dive in!

A detailed chart that say i am grateful with words around it as examples in the shape of a sun

Table Of Contents:

Quote that says " Gratitude opens the door to the power, the wisdom, the creativity of the universe. You open the door through gratitude."

What is gratitude?

To sum up, it is where you are thankful for everything you have in your life and more. To not only appreciate the large things, but the little things as well.

It helps you grow to be more thankful for what you have instead of take it for granted. It even helps with depression and anxiety to show you what you have in this world when you feel like you have nothing.

I have been practicing gratitude for a couple of years now and it has changed my life. It is like affirmations on steroids.

When you feel grateful, your mindset switches into a positive one. In which turn creates a successful and happy life. You are pleased with someone who helps you instead of worrying about how you will pay them back.

The word ungrateful. The un is being earsed

What happens when you are not grateful?

When you are not grateful is can cause a lot of side effects. You won't see all the great things that you have in your life. You will be to focus on the other things that you don't have.

You will feel a sense of incompletion and feel broken.

If you have a problem with being grateful, you are not alone. If you had a life full of downs and barely any ups, you tend to not look at the good anymore because you are just waiting for everything to fail.

Yes! For some, this can be extremely hard. If you are suffering from depression, it could put a strain on you. But, that is ok! just every day you try. Never give up because you are a warrior and will rise.

A photo showing the word growth with a arrow point up

How does gratitude help with personal growth?

It has been reported in many articles that practicing gratitude helps people succeed in their goals. It happens because of the positive impact it gives your mindset, therefore your growth.

Being able to acknowledge the good in your life gives you the strength to see the greatness in everything that gets thrown at you. With this, instead of focusing on what you don't have and stressing over not having it. You are grateful for what you have now and what you are achieving every day towards your future.

The happiness that gratitude gives you leads you into motivation. Then motivation leads you to accomplish your goals. After, your goals help you achieve your dreams.

A beautiful cycle.

A chart giving the 8 benefits of gratitude

What are the benefits of being grateful?

This is going to be a long one. Because babe, there are so many benefits to this glorious tool! So I'm going to hit you with seven proven facts on how being grateful will benefit your already amazing self.

  • Gratitude opens the door to more relationships.

Not only romantic relationships but business and friendships as well!

  • Gratitude improves physical health.

When you are grateful, you are less anxious and depressed. You are more motivated to reach for the stars with a smile because you are happier.

  • Gratitude improves psychological health.

Your mindset goes from a negative to a positive!

For more about mindsets, read my groovy article "Mindset: Grow Into Growth!"

  • Gratitude enhances empathy and reduces aggression.

This is so, so, so true! In 2012 the University of Kentucky experimented. The participant who ranked higher on the gratitude scales were less likely to fall into conflict or get upset, even when faced with negative feedback!

  • Grateful people sleep better.

You spend less time worrying about the day because you ae focus on what you already have. Also, with gratitude, you have less stress, and less stress equals hella amazing beauty sleep.

  • Gratitude improves self-esteem.

You feel more confident. You now see everything that you have and to be happy for. You are succeeding in areas you never expect you would. With all of that, you get some major high confidence. And, your freaking deserve it!

  • Gratitude increases mental strength.

This one is going to get a little personal. I have PTSD, I have had it now for 15 years. Since practicing gratitude and being grateful for what I have and more. My nightmares not only slowed down, but I'm also not as anxious.

Since you are so focused on what you have, everything and everyone in your life, you are now happy. Well, happiness is the greatest thing for your mind.

A cartton drawing of someone writing what they are grateful for

What are some examples of gratitude?

Things that you are grateful for can be many things. From a hot cup of coffee to a run-in to park without kids screaming all around you. Or for me, when the kids go back to school next week. I can take my first nap in 6 years! Does that sound amazing!

Here are some examples:

  • Being thankful to the person who cooked for you

  • Being thankful for your good health

  • Appreciating the person who cleans your house

  • Acknowledging your junior at work for taking the initiative to ease your workload

  • Being grateful to yourself for your financial independence

  • Being thankful to your friends for a memorable birthday celebration

  • Being thankful for the life lessons you’ve learned from other people

  • Being thankful for your teachers and mentors for their support and guidance

  • Being thankful for having a reason to smile every day

  • Being thankful for the luxury of choice and having the autonomy to make critical life decisions

Quotes about gratitude that says " Practicing gratitude and being grateful are keys to a happier life."

How to practice gratitude?

There are many ways to practice gratitude. Here are some that can help you on your journey.

  1. Start a journal: you can read about journaling here Journaling: One Hell Of A Habit.

How did I start on my journey? Every night I would write down five things I was grateful for during the day. Not big things like electricity, oxygen, and clothes. Small things like hot coffee, the warmth of the sunrise, and my kid's giving me a random hug.

  1. Remember the bad: Think of all the bad things that happened in your life and how you survived to where you are today.

If you were in a bad relationship and now you are with the person of your dreams. It shows that you are strong and can overcome anything. That is something to be grateful for, for sure.

  1. Share gratitude with others: When you show others how grateful you are for them, it not only makes them happy. But yourself as well.

Tell your spouse how much you love them and appreciate how much help they have helped you.

  1. Tell yourself you will practice daily: Even if it is for 30 seconds. Write or say what you are grateful for at that moment.

You can set your alarm, place sticky notes, or even get an accountability partner.

A cartoon pop image that says challenge

Gratitude Challenge

I'm going to challenge you for 14 days. Write down these and complete them in 2 weeks and see how you feel after. I promise you, you will start to see the brighter side of things if only a little.

All you have to do is write every day, answer the questions below, and why that is your answer to follow.

  1. Who is someone you are grateful for?

  2. What Is something that makes you smile?

  3. What is food that you love?

  4. What is your favorite book or movie?

  5. What is your favorite animal?

  6. What is something unique about you?

  7. What is something beautiful that you love?

  8. What is something that challenges you?

  9. What is your favorite song?

  10. What is your favorite sound?

  11. Who is someone that your love?

  12. What is something that has helped you?

  13. What is your favorite smell?

  14. Who is someone that has helped you?



As you read, being grateful is among one of the essential tools when growing your personal development. It relieves your stress and motivates you on your way to be a greater you.

Make sure you follow the tips above on how to practice. Join in on the fourteen-day challenge to help you on your journey to be grateful.

What are you grateful for? Why are you grateful for it?


Don't forget to scroll down and join in for my free email newsletter to help you on your awesome sauce of a journey in your personal growth!

Follow me on Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram for more tips and motivational techniques for your daily use!

As always, remember you are smart, you are beautiful, and you are HELLA freaking powerful.



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Hi, my name is Rebecca. I am the creator of Bipolar DragonFly. Here you will find many ways to improve your personal development, talk about mental health, and the habits and routines that you do.


   This fun, loving, supportive site is here for you. I'm excited to have you on this journey to become the best you can be. So sit back, relax and read on.

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