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Make Your Bed: But first, Coffee.

Women eating her breakfast for morning routine

You wake up two minutes before your phone alarm goes off, feeling well-rested. As you pull on your robe, you hear the kids laughing and getting along. You roll downstairs to see them already fully dressed, lunches pack, eating a nutritious breakfast.

You think, Hell yeah! It's going to be the best day ever! (in your best Spongebob voice)

While you're enjoying a nice cup of liquid gold, you hear a faint sound. Something familiar about it. The sound gets louder and louder.


Your alarm goes off. Well Shit.

You wake up running to grab some coffee and chug it as fast as you can. Your kids are screaming that they are hungry. Then there you are running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

For success and mental clarity to start anyone's day, you need the perfect morning routine.

Morning routine benefits are both psychological and physical.

I have three rambunctious children that wake up loud. I'm talking screaming at the top of their lungs and breaking glass loud.

I used to have them wake me up. It was horrible, I would drag throughout the day. I would not know where to start to get things done. I was ready for bed before it hit 9:00 Blippi time. It was a disaster.

So I researched and researched some more. How to start my day off for success? Thanks to the lovely Rachel Hollis and a few more amazing peeps. I found the cure, the wisdom, the guidance of not waking up feeling like I was beaten by a ghost all night. Or feel like I had a major hangover without the joys of even drinking.


  1. To prepare yourself for the rest of your day

  2. To increase your productivity

  3. Feel in control

  4. Lower stress

  5. Develop Healthy Habits

  6. Boost your energy levels

  7. Less forgetful

  8. Improves your confidence

  9. Learn to be Flexible

How do you even start to create a morning routine that works?

Here are some things that helped me plan the perfect routine that makes me bright-eyed and bushy-tailed before my children and even husband get up.

  1. Plan out your bedtime

Make sure you get 6-8 hours of sleep a night, it is possible. My bedtime is at 9. This means I schedule my day to be in bed at that time so I can wake up at 4 am.

  1. Plan how much time you will need

I have children and I feel like it is a law to wake up before them. So I wake up 3 hours before they get up so I can get things done for the day. If you don't have kids, plan out how many hours you need before work or the start of your day


Hitting the snooze button makes you feel a zillion and one times worse. Do what Mel Robbin says " The moment you have an instinct to act on a goal you must 5-4-3-2-1 and physically move or your brain will stop you. I apply this term to my life a lot because if it was up to my brain. My ass will hit that snooze button until pancake mix is thrown in my face by my kids.

  1. Avoid your phone

Checking our phones is an addiction. When you wake up and check your phone you are bound to see something that will trigger stress and ruin your morning. I wait one hour after waking up to check my emails. It does wonders.

  1. Self-affirmation

Of course, I have this on here. I love affirmations and it is one of the top things you should add to your routine even if it's for 1 minute. Affirmations bring in positive energy and thoughts for the day and make you feel freaking amazing. Your confidence skyrockets from them


Put a bottle of water beside your bed and when you wake up I want you to chug it like you at a frat party and all eyes are on you. It wakes up your body and gets everything moving to start your day.

  1. Add Some Self-Care

Self-care is a must and adding it to your morning routine completes it. Reading, writing, exercising, pr even crocheting in the morning can boost your mood for the day.

Happier, efficient mornings really are within your grasp. But caffeine or decaf, summer or fall, five kids or none, your best bet is to find a morning routine and stick with it.

Just know that the first few days or even weeks of any new routine will require some willpower and dedication. But I'm confident before long, the morning you used to dream of about will come true.

Thank you for reading! Make sure you subscribe and follow my new Facebook page about before the scene of my writing and my life. Also on Pinterest and Instagram.

As always have a groovy day and remember that you are strong, beautiful and HELLA freaking powerful.



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Hi, my name is Rebecca. I am the creator of Bipolar DragonFly. Here you will find many ways to improve your personal development, talk about mental health, and the habits and routines that you do.


   This fun, loving, supportive site is here for you. I'm excited to have you on this journey to become the best you can be. So sit back, relax and read on.

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