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10 Ways to Amp up Your Personal Productivity!

“You can do anything, but not everything.” – David Allen.

Being more productive is what everyone wants when starting their journey to become their better and most successful selves. It's something we dream of and try over and over again. Productivity is different for everyone as well as everyone has their own unique ways of accomplishing it. So it's not a one size fits all kinda thing.

So I researched the top ten strategies to help you on your journey to becoming the greater and productive you.

What is the meaning of being productive?

Simply put, personal productivity is completing the actions that move you closer to accomplishing your goals in a manner that brings balance and ease into your life. It's all about finishing an action cycle.

But when you ask, they might say something different. Some might say it's getting things done fast. Some might say it is setting goals and accomplishing them.

Simply put, personal productivity is completing the actions that move you closer to accomplishing your goals in a manner that brings balance and ease into your life.

It's about knowing your actions and plans to accomplish your goals and boosting your performance to achieve them.

What is not personal Productivity?

It is not time management it is attention management. Time management is sometimes a problem. When you use time management you are to focus on the clock. To get things done by a certain time and are not being as productive as you can be.

We are told that if you just schedule our time better. Then will we peak at our game. But, focusing on time just makes us realize how many hours we are wasting instead of doing what we can do to achieve our goals.

The best thing to do is attention management. It is the practice of controlling distractions, being present in the moment, finding your flow, and maximizing basis so that you can unleash your mind. Better attention management leads to improved productivity, but it's about much more than checking things off a to-do list.

10 Strategies for Personal Productivity

1.Take Regular Breaks

Working for long stretches without breaks leads to stress and exhaustion. Taking breaks refreshes the mind, replenishes your mental resources, and helps you become more creative.

2.Do The Hardest Thing First

Getting the hardest thing done first will allow you to see yourself as the kind of person that gets stuff done. You’ll stop seeing yourself as someone who procrastinates and start seeing yourself as the capable person that you really are.

3.2:1 rule

This means that you have two medium-size tasks and one big task for the day. I started this rule a few years ago because I was overwhelmed with all of my work. I was not successfully accomplishing anything because I had so much going on.

For example: for my blog, I do this. I will make pins and Facebook interaction posts for my small things and either write an article or research for my big item. It works for me every day, and I became successful and productive using it.

4.Plan Your Day The Night Before

By planning your days the night, you reduce decision fatigue and preserve your willpower for your most meaningful work. If you plan the day the night before, you will be amazed at how much your overall productivity skyrockets.

5.Avoid Adding Time-Wasting Activities

Bulky to-do list, hours on social media scrolling, binging t.v shows, gossiping ect are all time-wasting activities. They get you nowhere when trying to be proactive

If I have a deadline to write my article within 24 hours phone is silent, and t.v is off. I am focusing on research and writing until it is completed.

6.Get An Early Start

Waking up earlier than usual will give you ample time to focus on your goals and conquer the day with more energy, mindfulness, and strength.

Here is my article about the morning routine for success and productivity: Make Your Bed: But First..... Coffee

7.Get Organized

It helps you focus. Clutter might seem harmless but mess speaks to you constantly throughout the day. Researchers at Princeton University found that the visual cortex can be overwhelmed by task-irrelevant objects, making it harder to allocate attention and complete tasks efficiently.

That means when you are surrounded by clutter and unorganized, you are not working productively. You are focus on the mess.

8.Attention Management

The goal of attention management is to keep people focused on important and relevant tasks. While in which, avoiding distractions to maximize productivity over time.

For me, I have my husband watch my children, shut off all distractions and keep my mindset focused on the project at hand. If my brain wanders off to try. I stop, redirect myself, and focus again.

9. Do not Multi-task

Multitasking reduces your efficiency and performance because your brain can only focus on one thing at a time. When you try to do two things at once, your brain cannot perform both tasks successfully.

10. Get Up and Do it!

The main thing is to get up and do it. Get yourself a morning and night routine. Make a right now list and do it. As I always say from Mel robbins 5-4-3-2-1 and go.

Just sitting there creating goals if found, but doing it for hours and days on end, is now accomplishing anything if you do not put it into action.

I used to obsess over every detail before I started this blog and wrote out a 13-week plan that took me 3 weeks. I finally said enough is enough and started my own website and now live it day by day and, I am more productive than ever.


In summary, being productive is very easy. But, it is our frame of mindset and attention that gets in the way. Cell phones, social media, and all these crazy to-do lists. They never get accomplished when focusing on a million things thinking you will achieve them faster. Go through these steps and, I promise that you will be on your way to be a more productive and successful you.

I want to personally thank you all for reading and supporting my page. You all are awesome! Do not forget to pop over to my Facebook group and join some fun conversations about mental health, personal growth, and productivity.

As always remember, you are strong, you are beautiful, and you are HELLA freaking powerful.



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Hi, my name is Rebecca. I am the creator of Bipolar DragonFly. Here you will find many ways to improve your personal development, talk about mental health, and the habits and routines that you do.


   This fun, loving, supportive site is here for you. I'm excited to have you on this journey to become the best you can be. So sit back, relax and read on.

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