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The Art Of Mindset: Grow Into Growth

Growth and Fixed mindset heads
Growth mindset

"If you deliberately plan to be less than you are capable of being,

then I warn you that you’ll be deeply unhappy for the rest of your life. You will be evading your capacities, your possibilities."

Table Of Contents


The key to a happy life and a successful one starts with your mindset. This article is about the two different types: Fixed and Growth.

I have a fixed mindset and I'm not ashamed to say it. I am working on my growth more and more every day. Achieving new milestones in my life.

Now let's dive on in babes!

What is a Fixed Mindset?

A fixed mindset assumes that intelligence and skills are relatively set. People with a fixed mindset strongly believe that you either have what it takes to succeed or you don’t. They view competence as a natural quality, something they’re born with and that can’t be developed further.

Examples of what someone with a fixed mindset might say:

  1. Either I am good at something or not.

  2. I cant learn now, it's too late.

  3. There is no point in trying if I'm going to fail.

  4. I take feedbacks as a personal attack.

  5. I feel threatened by other people's success.

For me, my fixed mindset held me back for so long. I remember a time before I had my children. I work at an amazing job, I loved it and I was the best at it. Until I accepted a promotion.

I failed a lot and made lots of mistakes. So, you know what I did. I quit.

Because I believed that I would never be good enough or able to learn that job. That is was my time was up there.

I look back on that a lot.

A fixed mindset assumes that intelligence and skills are relatively set. People with a fixed mindset strongly believe that ‘you either have what it takes to succeed or don’t’. They view competence as a natural quality, something they’re born with and that can’t be developed further.- Carol Dweck

What Are The Dangers Of a Fixed Mindset

  1. Rarely excel at anything

  2. If you fail at trying something new, you will give up

  3. You are afraid of being judged

  4. Give up too quickly when obstacles arise.

That was me for the longest time. I gave up on everything I tried because I didn't think it was worth it and no sense.

I have the power to control my thoughts and my actions. It will not be taken away from me again.

You can either have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset.

Growth Mindset

The belief that you can learn more or become smart if you work hard and persevere.

You learn more, learn more quickly, and view challenges and failures as opportunities to improve your learning and skills.

Examples Of What A Growth Mindset Might Say:

  1. It is never too late to learn.

  2. It is ok to fail. At least I am learning.

  3. I appreciate constructive criticism.

  4. I always improve at something I try.

  5. I model my work after others who have been successful in the past.

I first read about growth mindset about a year ago on a Pinterest pin. I never heard of it before. It caught my eye when it said that you can change a fixed mine.

Then my journey began, the journey of growth. I started using those sentences that you just read as affirmations.

Every day I told myself those things and little by little I started to grow.

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says "im possible"- Audrey Hepburn

Identify Your Triggers

This is very important when starting on your journey to have a growth mindset. You need to know your triggers, below are some examples of the triggers I use to have that I confronted.

  1. Working Hard

  2. Facing setbacks

  3. Getting Negative Feed Back

  4. Being Challenged

  5. Seeing Successful people

Take the time to explore your thoughts and your emotions so you can become aware of them.

Strategies you can use to develop a growth and mindset

  1. Your brain structure is not fixed. Your mind should be either

  2. Acknowledge your weaknesses

  3. Appreciate the process over results

  4. No your "why", or your reason to keep fighting

  5. Never say I'm failing, say I'm learning

  6. Challenges= Oppuntinities

  7. Take your time to learn

  8. Do not chase other peoples approval

  9. See criticism as a useful tool

  10. Grow with others

  11. Take time to reflect

  12. Grit and determination

  13. Use the words "not yet" instead of just not or no.


In conclusion, your mindset is not set in stone. You can change it. To move a step closer to accomplishing your dreams and more.

Look at the dangers of a fixed mindset and ask yourself is this really how I want to live my life or do I want to fight back and create the life of my dreams.

Always remember

Our life is shaped by our mind, for we become what we think.”-Buddha

I want to thank you all for taking the time to read my article. I hope it gave you inspiration and excitement. I also want to thank you for all the support you have given me this past week. You all are badasses.

Don't forget to subscribe for more articles to come and follow my Facebook group, Pinterest, and Instagram.

Also remember you are strong, beautiful, and HELLA freaking powerful!

A Successful Night Routine For Productivity



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