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Personal Growth: Taking A Mental Break

Taking a mental health break is one of the most important tools you of for yourself that you can control. Yes, you can control it and still work and do what you need to do.

I took a mental health break this week because of my bipolar turn into a chronic depressive episode. In doing so, I'm now back today writing for my blog because I feel a million times better.

So let's dive on in babes...

What is a mental break?

A mental health break is something we all need from time to time. It's where we rest our minds to rest. Usually, someone has one when they are feeling overwhelmed. Or like me have a mental breakdown and binge eat taco bell for nine days.

A mental breakdown is when everything starts to get to you. Your emotions are everywhere to the point you are laughing about crying and crying about laughing. You can't seem to focus on anything.


How does a mental break help with your personal growth?

A mental break helps with your personal growth by helping you take a step back and relooking your future and motives. Let say you're at work and had a mental breakdown because you have been working on this project for months, and they turned you down.

By taking a break for even 4 hours will help you get back on the path to success. You can meditate, read a book, listen to a podcast, or even go for a run. Because if you don't you can remain stuck. You will be part of the deep hole where you will not be able to climb out.


Benefits of a mental break?

Just like breaking your ankle, when you have a mental breakdown, you need to heal. Your mind is wandering around, trying to figure out where to go and what to do. It's causing you to have a panic attack, anxiety, and depression. Those things will move you off the path of success and growth to the utter void.

  1. You can figure out what to do next, how to fix why you had the breakdown.

  2. You are stronger after. Less likely to have another episode when you have a mental step back, even for 5 minutes.

  3. Remake your goals to fit your needs better.

  4. Learn how to manage through stressful situations.

  5. Helps you see things more clearly.


What do you do on a mental break?

Everyone is different, and it depends on what happens.

For example, if you are a stay-at-home mom and you are having a mental breakdown because it's summer and your kids are out of school. You come home from the store to find the clean house you had destroyed after hours of cleaning.

When you put the kids to bed you can draw yourself a hot bubble bath and read an inspiring book. Then when you are calm and collected clean up the next day! Yes, that is what I said. I have 3 kids under 6 and sometimes I would get overwhelmed and take a break and pick up the next day because sometimes it is needed.

Another example is from your work. Now you can have a mental break even when you are working. I call it the "fuck it for a day mind" If you worked for days on a project and were told that it wasn't good enough after you are already stressing about staying up days making it. Your ass will crack.

The " fuck it for a day mind" is where you do the things that need to be done and nothing extra. You just do your work. U used to have a clicker when I was working. I used it every time I was mentally overwhelmed and just wanted to give up. I would click it for one minute sighting out my affirmations. I would do it a few times a day to motivate me to keep going.

So how you take your mental break depends on what calms you down. Examples:




Bubble Bath


Listen to your favorite song and sing to it


Doodle ( It can be very beneficial)

Exercise is the best way. It removes stress naturally.

Write affirmations. Or positively motivate yourself.

Those are just a few ways you can take a break. It doesn't seem like much. But it's better than doing nothing and staying stuck in the same stressful pit.


How long should you take a mental break?

This is based on you. For me sometimes I can take a 5-minute break and I'm good for months. Other times like this week I go off-grid and focus on my crafts because that is what calms me. But, I have a mood disorder so it's harder for me to center myself and calm down faster than most. It just depends on you.

What I don't recommend is taking a week off work. Unless you have vacation days of course. Most companies don't consider mental health days as a thing. I understand that because a lot of people would take advantage of it.

But, you can request a day off to reset yourself and go all in. I mean self-care the crap out of yourself. Or use your lunch break to meditate or read an inspiring book.

Just don't let your mental break set you back from your goals. A lot of people will take months saying they are on a break. That is not productive. You need to be comfortable with being uncomfortable to become stronger. You don't get stronger by just relaxing and meditating all day. You need to take action and build some thick skin and build baby.


What not to do during a mental break?

Yes, I added this paragraph here because there are some wrong ways to go about this. I have seen people get stuck and comfortable losing so much. So here are some things not to do when taking a break.

Don't take a 6-month break, where you create more problems and issues that will screw you over more.

Do not talk down about yourself when you are trying to heal. It is like walking on a broken ankle. You will just do more damage.

Absolutely no freaking pity parties! EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE has a mental breakdown. So don't expect people to help you. You can only make yourself better.

As from above, you can only help yourself. No one can make you better but you.

Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Those are just some things to avoid. Might sound like a bitch, but I am not. I'm here to help you grow into the person you are meant to be. I don't want you becoming worse or even worse getting stuck to the point you destroy yourself saying it's fine because you are on a break. Because that is not how it works by love.



There you have it, my babes. Mental health brakes as you read can be so beneficial to you or worsen you. You just need to balance. Also, do not be ashamed of taking one. It does not mean that you are weak it means you are getting stronger.

When you exercise can you run 5 miles on the first try? Or do you have to run in intervals till you can make the sprint. Meaning takes little breaks can make you go farther.


Don't forget to subscribe to my Facebook group, Pinterest, and Instagram! Then scroll on down to the bottom of my page and sign of for more groovy articles to come!


As always, remember you are strong, you are beautiful, and you are HELLA freaking powerful!

Personal Growth: How To Be Disciplined



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Hi, my name is Rebecca. I am the creator of Bipolar DragonFly. Here you will find many ways to improve your personal development, talk about mental health, and the habits and routines that you do.


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