Personal Growth: Self-Love
September 6, 2021 \\
| Personal Growth | Mental Health |
Do you ever listen to the way you talk to yourself? Is it positive you tell yourself you are strong, beautiful, and powerful? Or do you tell yourself that you are worthless, unloveable, and disgusting?
Self-love is the beginning tool you need to grow. It helps you build and mature as a human. It gives you a happy life that you deserve, and baby you freaking deserve it.
I wrote this article just for you. Because you will always be worth it to me
What is self-love?
Self- love, the greatest and one of the hardest things to achieve. It can be lost and gained over and over again. But, it is one of the beginning tools you need when starting on your self-growth journey.
Self-love is the way it sounds. To love yourself. Most people say that it doesn't matter if they like themselves, but that is far from true. Self-love helps you build relationships, a career, and so much more in your life.
Imagine waking up and loving yourself. To not saying anything bad about or to yourself. Sounds freaking amazing, doesn't it!
With self-love, you get complete and utter confidence. You will walk a little bit higher, and you are happy. It is truly an amazing thing!
That's what we want in this life, don't we? To live a happy life?
Here is what self Love can do for you.
Talking to and about yourself with love
Prioritizing yourself
Giving yourself a break from self-judgment
Trusting yourself
Being true to yourself
Being nice to yourself
Setting healthy boundaries
Forgiving yourself when you are not being true or nice to yourself
How does Self-love help with personal growth?
Self-love is the basis of personal growth because without your journey would be hella difficult and we want you to have a smooth and successful growth.
How does self-love make your journey a lot easier? Well, imagine if you will, everything bad you say about yourself is a rock. Those rocks are placed on your shoulders, and you feel them every day. No matter what you are doing you will always notice them because, well, they are heavy.
You will not be moving quickly, will most likely burn out really fast. But, now imagine not having those rocks on your shoulders. You get things done a lot faster, don't avoid situations because it will be harder to do. A lot freaking better right.
In conclusion, having self-love makes you believe you can do anything! as the law of attraction states. You attract what you bring out.
How does self-love develop?
A lot of people don't understand that self-love isn't just about feeling good. It is appreciating yourself so much that you grow into a greater person.
It is something that matures you in life and allows you to not only learn more about yourself every day. But, to learn new things that help you succeed in life with ease.
Developing self-love can come from so many things. It can come from a positive upbringing where you were told to love yourself and how to every day since you were a baby. Or, like me, you had to learn it. You finally got to a point when you say enough is enough and telling yourself hurtful things want working. Every day and every minute, tell yourself I love you as you mean it. Then, eventually, you started believing it.
Fake it till you make it method.
What are self-love and self-care?
Yes, these two are completely different in my eyes. To love yourself is to appreciate and be kind to yourself. Self-care is to care for yourself. But to care for yourself, you must love yourself. You know what I mean. Let me give you an example.
Imagine that you do not like yourself. But, you are practicing self-care. You are taking bubble baths and meditating etc. But, you do not love yourself. You are still telling yourself that you are worthless and pathetic.
How can you actually care for yourself when you are saying those things.
So, once you love yourself, you can fully practice self-care. But, another thing is you need self-care to love yourself. Because practicing makes you love yourself and appreciate it over time.
It is one of those weirds things that no one can really explain but need.
How can I self-love and improve myself?
This is the tricky part. Learning to love yourself. For a lot of people, this can be extremely hard. Mostly, because of past trauma and upbringing. But, that is ok. Everyone can learn to love themselves. Some just take longer than others, just like all things in life.
Know yourself:
Darling this is important. You have to know who you are. What you like and everything you f'n want in your life!
Say "no" when you need to
Learn to say no to the things you don't want to do. For example, I do not do the school volunteer for my children. It causes me much more stress. So, I say no and hold my ground.
Don't judge ok. I know some people like that stuff but for me, it's a living hell.
Don’t compare yourself to others.
This is a big one, everyone is unique and hella freaking beautiful in their own way. You do not have to be anyone else because there is no one else like you. Comparing yourself causes stress, anxiety, insecurity, and so much more. You do not need that in your life babe.
Be truly present.
Live in the moment, don't focus on "what if's". When you are too focused on the past or the future you are wasting your energy. You can use that energy to make the life that you desire and freaking deserve so cut that shit out.
Know and use your strengths.
I have all my strength written down on my board and every day it gets longer. Knowing your strengths gives you so much growth and motivation.
Give yourself a treat.
This means a healthy treat. It could be a mini-vacation, or even a bubble bath with a good book because it makes you feel good.
Be honest with yourself.
NEVER EVER BREAK A PROMISE TO YOURSELF OR LIE! This is something I just recently learned. I vowed if I say I will do something for myself I do it. Also, I will not tell myself I am worthless because that is a lie.
Let yourself off the hook for your mistakes.
Everyone makes mistakes, it's how we learned so so much was achieve in the crazy world we called life. We have electricity because Einstein failed a thousand times and never gave up. Not only did we get electricity out of it, we learned a thousand ways not to do something!
Accept that some people won’t like you.
This is for the people pleasers. Yes, I am still a people pleaser. But, what I know is when to stop because not everyone is going to like you. Don fret over it, babe. Makes like interesting.
Make fun a priority.
Every day you should be having fun and laughing even if it is for a few minutes. Life is not about being perfect or working till you drop. If you don't have any fun what is the freaking point!
Practice gratitude.
This is something I practice daily. Baby, I promise you, that if you do this your life will change. You will start to see positive things instead of negatives.
You can find gratitude here in my article. Journaling: One hell of a habit
Write down your successes.
Always write down your progress so you can see how you are growing. Without it, how do you know if you're growing or not, right?
Feel your feelings.
Please don't ignore your feelings. They are valid and you are meant to have them. When you suppress them, it causes stress and even depression. That is no good.
Take good care of your body.
I'm not going to sit here and tell you how drinking water and exercising are important. You know this you just need the motivation to achieve it. Here is my article about motivation. Personal Growth: Motivation
Pursue a hobby.
People underestimate the power of a hobby. It is really a form of self-care. It gives you time to relax and unwind. Giving your life more meaning.
I have many. I crochet, run, craft, and write.
Stand up for yourself.
No matter what, always stand up for yourself. Because baby you are worth it and so much more.
Ask for help when you need it
Here is my article Ask for F'n Help it gives you all the information about how and why is it hard to ask for help with complete details.
How does self-love develop?
A lot of people don't understand that self-love isn't just about feeling good. It is appreciating yourself so much that you grow into a greater person.
It is something that matures you in life and allows you to not only learn more about yourself every day. But, to learn new things that help you succeed in life with ease.
Developing self-love can come from so many things. It can come from a positive upbringing where you were told to love yourself and how to every day since you were a baby. Or, like me, you had to learn it. You finally got to a point when you say enough is enough and telling yourself hurtful things want working. So, every day and every minute you tell yourself "I love you" as you mean it. Then, eventually, you started believing it.
Fake it till you make it method.
Self-love is needed to have a healthy and fulfilling life. It creates an atmosphere perfect for growth in life and in your career. With it you become a badass, you know your exact worth and no one will tell you differently.
You will climb your career because you know you can do it and know that you are capable of great things. It gives you the motivation to achieve your greatest goals and gives you support when you need it.
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As always remember, you are strong, you are beautiful, and you are HELLA freaking powerful!