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Personal Growth: Motivation

Don't give up, motivate yourself to go harder.

August 9, 2021 //

Table Of Contents:

The power of personal motivation can make the impossible possible. It can make your dreams come true and let you be the person you always dreamt of being.

So let me help you and read on!

How do you motivate yourself?


What is personal motivation?

Personal motivation is the ability to drive oneself to take action to pursue goals and complete tasks. It is the forces that will get you to the road of success.

Pretty much it means finding a way to motivate yourself to live out your dreams or goals. Think of the most successful people you know. They got there with the power of self-motivation.


What are the 4 types of motivations?

Graph showing 4 types of motivation.
4 Types Of Motivation

Extrinsic: Extrinsic motivation is reward-driven behavior from praise, fame, or even money.

An example, when you are working and are told that you will get a pay increase if you work harder. You bet your booty you are going to work harder.

Identified: This means preparing yourself before acting on your motivation.

An example is, you are getting ready for a meeting. You know you need to motivate yourself, so you are thinking of different ways to amp you up before it even happens.

Intrinsic: Intrinsic motivation is the act of doing something without any obvious external rewards.

An example of this is if you are like me, love research, and have to get it done. I am already motivated to do so because I enjoy it.

Introjected: Introjected motivation is an internalized motivation like intrinsic motivation. This is a negative form that makes you feel guilty. Also, makes it harder to become motivated.

An example is, you have a project coming up that you really need to get done. You keep telling yourself that you are going to fail. That nothing you do is going to be good enough. That is Introjected motivation.


What are the motivation factors?

A chart showing Motivation in the middle and the surroundings are the factors.

Fear: This is sort of a negative factor. It means putting fear into yourself to accomplish what you need to do, or something will happen.

This is something that bosses usually use to motivate their employees to do a better job, unfortunately. But sometimes, you need to give some tough love.

An example is: You are running behind on your project, your boss shows up and says that you have 24 hours to finish are you will be fired. That will motivate you to get your booty in gear and to get it done.

Peer Pressure: Peer pressure is a strong motivating force. It means to use positive energy or inspiration to get you motivated.

An example is: You are at a company meeting, and your boss brings in a career coach that gets you pumped up and ready to get going. Which inspires you to do better at your job.

Pride: Pride can motivate people to strive for success and act with compassion because it forces us to consider other's viewpoints and opinions, as well as our own.

An example is. You said that you are running a marathon in front of all of your family and friends. You do not want them to think poorly of you, so you train every day and use it as motivation.

Recognition: Being recognized for your work is one of the biggest factors of motivation. It gives us a strong sense of not only pride but gratitude as well.

An example is: When getting an award of recognition from work for being one of the top employees motivates you to stay motivated and grow or keep your success.

Money: Money is a motivator to an extent.

Example. When you start a new job, and you are making 3 times more than what you were. But, the catch is you are working 7 days a week, 12 hours a day. So that would be a bad motivator.

But, If you start a new job working 5 days a week for 8 hours shifts and have 3 times more pay. That will motivate you for years to come.


What are examples of personal motivation?

Survival needs (food, shelter, clothing): Needing essential for living or for your children.

Example.: Paying your electric bill and having the money to pay it. So you have heat.

Accomplishment (school, career, sports, etc.): Example: Getting a promotion at work motivates you to go, father.

Fun (partying, dancing, playing, beach, etc.): Example: You have a beach vacation getaway coming up.

Taste (food): I know that I'm not the only one who gets motivated by food. The thought of finishing a project, then going home to a juicy cheeseburger, or maybe so to taco bell for some beefy Chalupa's. Mmm, magically delicious and a hell of a motivator.

Curiosity (needing to know something): Example: You heard that someone is looking forward to meeting you next week. So you get motivated on what to expect.

Laughter (feeling uplifted): Nothing motivated you more to smile than to laugh. Especially after a long day, and you need some motivation.

Sex (dopamine release): This is a motivator to feel wanted and needed.


What is loss of motivation?

Loss of motivation can be caused by many things, being dissatisfied. Are you are not putting your all into it.

Loss of Motivations can be a symptom of depression. If you have no motivation, lack of interest, and just want to stay in bed all day. Please seek out help or support to get through this. I have an article to help here: Depression: When it hits, you hit back harder.


Man laying head on desk, lacking self motivation to do his work.

What causes a lack of motivation?


When you do not know what career to choose, or where to go in your life.

Find out what your values are, your personality types, and more. Right is all down, then write down what you are good at and what you like to do and come up with ideas to make it into a career.

Doing this will help motivate you and get you out of this funk.


You are depressed, with this I believe you should take it easy. Depression causes a lot of things that make it hard to be motivated. Do not stress yourself out more. Focus on your self-care and mental health.


You procrastinated so long that it has become a habit. Your habits are what make you, good or bad. Change one habit to a good one to help motivate you to create your dreams.


You are making your goals really small, then doing smaller things to try and accomplish them.

Try to create one large goal. An example for me is my large goal is to write a 5000 words article. Then I made smaller goals to make that happen. After I made even smaller goals, then itty bitty ones. Like coming up with a title.


You have so much to do, and you don't know what to do first.

Try written everything out and picking one single thing to accomplish and motivate yourself to do that one thing.


You are the type of person that says "I'll do it later". But, later never comes. You need to get that booty up and start. Not Monday, not the first of the month. Right now!.


You are not motivating yourself in the right way. You need to motivate yourself that works for you. Everyone is different.


Two characters holding up the works fit it. Meaning to fix there lack of motivation.

Can you fix the lack of motivation?

Break tasks into manageable chunks: Make a timeline and stick to that plan.

Write down each positive thing you experience throughout the day: I do this, and it is amazing! All you have to do is write down the things that made you smile or happy throughout the day.

For example, Hot coffee, finishing a paper, writing for only a minute, getting the mail ect.

Because doing something is better than not doing anything at all.

Give yourself credit for the small things you do: Reward yourself for accomplishing something small. Like getting a small task started, or even makes a plan for it.

Have some "me time": I believe in this so much before starting a goal and in between goal sessions. You must take a break when you are becoming overwhelmed.

Because when you become over-whelmed you will not fully accomplish what you want to do, and it will be much harder for you.

Even 30 minutes of self-care is better than nothing, and it will help calm down your mind to focus and motivate yourself.

Be gentle with yourself: Take it easy. Talking down about yourself will get you nowhere but farther from your goals.

Try to be present: Please don't focus on what you have not done. Also, do not focus on the future. Finally, DO NOT compare your beginning to someone else's middle.

Ask for help: I wrote an article about asking for help and the benefits if you need some help and motivation: Ask For F'n Help: The Hidden Secret.


Men Watering plant that looks like a growing arrow.

Why is motivation important in Self-growth?

When motivated, it becomes easy to motivate to reveal ourselves, because a motivated person feels positive to try new things and develop all the time. Motivation brings confidence which is an important factor for winning in life. When self-motivated, you will feel an inner drive to stay optimistic, for eternity.

So when motivating yourself you become more confident and more successful. You receive a growth mindset that helps you accomplish your goals and dreams. Also, makes you into a strong being.



As you read there are a bunch of different ways to motivate yourself for your personal growth. Also, way that can keep you from being motivated. You have to choose what is right for you and your future.

In the beginning, motivating yourself can be extremely hard, it will take a lot of strength and positive self-talk to get there but I believe that you can do it.

What is something that you do to motivate yourself?


Don't forget to follow me on Instagram, Facebook, or Pinterest for more tips on self-growth and motivation.

Also, scroll down and subscribe to my weekly courses to help you on your self-growth journey!

As always, remember you are smart, you are beautiful, and you are HELLA freaking powerful!

10 Ways to Amp up Your Personal Productivity!



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Hi, my name is Rebecca. I am the creator of Bipolar DragonFly. Here you will find many ways to improve your personal development, talk about mental health, and the habits and routines that you do.


   This fun, loving, supportive site is here for you. I'm excited to have you on this journey to become the best you can be. So sit back, relax and read on.

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