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Personal Growth: How To Be Confident

August 13, 2021 //

| Personal Growth | Mental Health |

A smiley face on the beach confident

Table Of Contents:

image of a pair of scissors cutting I cant into I can

What Is Confidence?

By definition, it means a feeling of trust in one's abilities, qualities, and judgment. To trust and accept yourself and have a sense of control over your life.

With confidence can come low confidence or self-esteem. It can cause self-doubt, which causes you to be passive and submissive, and creates serious trust issues.

I believe that everyone has low esteem at one point in their life. It is a completely normal thing that happens to everyone like a common cold. Just some are more severe than others.

Women standing with confidence with strong arms drawn behind her

What Is The Importance Of Confidence and Personal Growth?

Boosting your confidence is hella freaking amazing! It lets you be the person you truly are. Bringing out the energy that everyone wants more of.

Here are some groovy examples below:

  • Self-confidence makes you attractive.

Yes! It makes you so attractive. The aura it creates draws people in and makes them want to come back for more.

  • Self-confidence gets you hired for your desired jobs and clients.

When you know what you want and how to get it at a job interview. It makes you look like a goal-getter and a hell of a person to bring aboard to grow that company.

  • Self-confidence helps you aim for things you only dream about.

When confident you believe that you can do anything. In which you can if you work hard enough and stay motivated with that confidence. Here is an article I wrote about motivation; Personal Growth: Motivation.

  • Self-confidence helps you make the right decisions.

With this superpower, you know what you want and what you don't want. Giving that you can say no to what you don't want and yes to what you do without any stress.

the three types of confidence in a graph

What Are The Types Of Confidence?

Here are the four gloriest types to bring to your knowledge:


This is the type of confidence I like to call the 5 beers in. This is when you overestimate your abilities thinking you can do things that you really should be doing.

An example is if you are a nurse and go to a car garage with no prior knowledge of how to work at any time of a vehicle. But, you say I got this..... Might not turn out well for you.

Also, with this type of confidence, you underestimate your opponent. Pretty much that you think you are better than them and will whoop their booties.

An example of this would be to go to a bar. Then, pick a fight with the biggest guy there and regretting it the next day. Hence why I call it the 5 beers in.

Posted On.

This one is me a lot of days and probably you as well. The best way to explain this one is from an example.

You are having a bad day feeling disgusting, unloved, and blah. But, you go in front of the mirror and tell yourself that you are strong, beautiful, and hell f'n powerful over and over again until you feel a little better.

That is called, posted on confidence because you think you are not confident but are still telling yourself you are.

I've Already Done This.

This means that you did it once, so you are confident about doing it again.

An example would be if you were super duper scared about doing something. Like, going waterboarding. But then you go and do it. The next time you go waterboarding, you will have confidence because you already know what it is like.

Effort Will Lead To Results

This is my favorite one! It is the BOOM confidence with a lot of motivation.

It is telling yourself, "Hey, I don't know this, but I will!"

Or, you haven't reached your goal yet, you will tell yourself, "I'm going to achieve this and work harder!"

This is my favorite because it keeps you so positive even in a stressful environment.


What Is The Root Of Self Confidence?

Confidence comes from the Latin word fidere, which means "to trust"; therefore, having self-confidence is having trust in one's self. Meaning that it is rooted in your being and your mind.

So when you talk yourself up, achieve your goals, and always work on your strength. It becomes stronger and larger as you grow.

a man and women facing each other with graphic of children playing in the profile

How Do You Develop Confidence?

Here are some tips to help you build your confidence to the greatest. But remember, with great knowledge comes great responsibility.

Look At What You Have Already Achieved.

Looking back on what you already achieved is an amazing confidence booster. It could be something small, like taking out the trash when it needs to be.... or the day after sometimes. Or something large as writing a New York Times Best Seller.

When you look at this you will build confidence. You will think to yourself " Hell yeah I did that!" and feel a lot stronger.

Think Of Things That You Are Good At

What are you good at? Writing, singing, crocheting, or even awesome freaking ninja skills? Use that, that is your confidence, when you do something you love you are confident when doing it.

For me, I love crocheting. Yes, I love writing, but crocheting is my self-care. I can get lost in time while doing it, also I am so bloody confident that I pick difficult patterns and do them because I just know I can.

women lacking confidence biting her nails and head down

What Causes Lack Of Confidence?

Lack of confidence can be from a lot of different things. But, here are the top three reasons for lack of confidence.

Some You Think Highly About Put You Down.

This could be a parent, partner, teacher, boss, or even a toddler that just made you feel bad about yourself. That makes you question your abilities.

An example is if you are excited about this work proposal and have worked day and night for a month on it. Your confidence is 10 feet high. But then, when the day comes. Your boss looks at it for 5 seconds and throws it into the garage, and tells you to start over because it's not good enough.

You Put Yourself Down

Not going to lie I do this time from time, it's a bad habit but it happens. This is when you tell yourself every day you are worthless, every day that you will never be good enough, or be enough. That puts some serious damage on your mind.

A women with a though bubble behind her saying "What If I Fail"

What Happens When You Lack Confidence?

Pretty much that you are to focus on everyone else but yourself. What someone is thinking about you, how you look, or if you are doing a good enough job at your work.

It can cause stress, anxiety, depression, and even affects your relationships.

Having a lack of confidence is a horrible hole you think you will never get out of. But you can, follow the steps from above. Start out as a "Posted on". Like mentioned above in the types of confidence and tell yourself every day you are freaking amazing.

Yes, I'm telling you to fake it till you make it. It's one of my top quotes on my personal road to self-growth and it has my vote on working.



Confidence is one of the greatest things to have and it comes and goes. As long as you work every day and maintain the road to be successful and strong, you will be a rock star.

What makes you feel confident? Also, what do you do to keep your confidence?

Follow me on Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook for awesome tips and tricks on self-growth.

Also, don't forget to scroll down and subscribe to my awesome challenge newsletter. Every week I send out an email to help you on your groovy journey!

As always remember, you are strong, you are beautiful, and you are HELLA freaking powerful!

Overcoming Anxiety To Live Your Dream!



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Hi, my name is Rebecca. I am the creator of Bipolar DragonFly. Here you will find many ways to improve your personal development, talk about mental health, and the habits and routines that you do.


   This fun, loving, supportive site is here for you. I'm excited to have you on this journey to become the best you can be. So sit back, relax and read on.

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