Ask for F'n Help: The Hidden Secret
Be strong enough to stand alone, smart enough to know when you need help, and brave enough to ask for it.
Taking care of kids, writing, cleaning the house, following my dreams, and self-care all by myself. Because I believed that I could do it all alone. That I didn't need to burden my friends and family with watching my kids for a few hours or coming over just so I can have 30 minutes to myself to reconnect.
I was burned out, and it was a hard one. I slipped into severe depression and gave up on my dreams. I told myself there was nothing I could do, and I had to choose between living the dream I wanted and being a stay-at-home mom. I was so wrong.
Asking for help is similar to personal growth. It not only allows you to be vulnerable for yourself but for others to be the same. It can lead to stronger bonds and closer relationships. Also, doing this helps you on your journey to personal growth.
Asking for help often makes people feel uneasy because it requires surrendering control to someone else. Another fear is being perceived as needy. ... Some people are also afraid that they will be shunned or rejected if they ask for help.
We wildly underestimate how likely people are to help.
What does asking for help get you?
It builds the courage to accept rejection
It increases your productivity
It makes you happy
It helps you to follow your dreams
It increases your mindset
Why you don't ask for help?
This comes from your inability to receive. You think or feel like you have to keep on giving to feel appreciated and needed and that asking for help will take that away from you.
Find no satisfaction or happiness in life outside of doing things for the other person. You will keep on helping someone and never ask for help because you think you would make that person unhappy.
I used to be like this, I had severe trust issues when asking for help because I thought that they want something in return or that they were not doing it to help me. Or I didn't trust them with my children so they had to stay by my side. That was the biggest thing with me
I used to believe that to be mature and grown that I had to do everything myself. That I should have to have help in life because I am capable of doing everything on my own. Boy was I wrong, asking for help is the hardest part and receiving help is a gift.
That little F U birdie on your shoulder screaming in your ear that you are worthless, incapable, and immature to ask for help is frankly bull shit. Don't listen to that voice because that is just your fear of talking.
Here are 5 benefits of asking for help.
1.Help from others can help you achieve your dreams better and faster.
Getting help from others will help you get organized and focused on your goals. It will allow you to step back from distractions and go all in even if it is just for 30 minutes. Because 30 minutes of focus work is better than none.
2.Asking for help reinforces a growth mindset in yourself.
As you get comfortable with your own vulnerability you grow as a person. This is something I understood as I started to learn how to ask for help.
3.Asking for help increases your relatedness with others.
Asking for help strengthens the relatedness with others. It allows you to receive attention, and receive help from another person. Therefore satisfies your need for relatedness.
Meaning most people love to help and feel the need from someone they care about. So not only do you get help the other person is filled with joy because you asked making them feel needed.
4.Asking for help can be pleasant for the person you ask for help.
By asking for help, you provide the other person with an opportunity to do something meaningful for another person and experience gratification because of this.
Furthermore, asking for help is a way of praising the other person. Because, by asking for help, you imply that you trust the other person and view them as able to help you and as a competent person.
5.Increases your strength
Asking for help shows signs of strength, confidence, and resourcefulness. In a world where people expect problems to be solved fast, surrounding yourself with people who can help you in different situations is highly valuable.
Not only that, if you get turned down. It teaches you how to build your inner strength to keep asking for help. The easier it will get to ask and become successful at it.
Why should you ask for help?
1.Reach your goals faster
2.Experience less stress and anxiety. Then trying to do everything alone.
3.Don’t waste time trying to figure out what you do not know or are not good at
4.Have more time to do things that matter to you.
Tips to ask for help
1. Be concise and specific.
Know why you are asking and do it with confidence.
2. Don’t apologize
Don't apologize for asking for help. Be vulnerable.
3. Make it personal, not transactional.
This is a personal action. Don't treat this as a business opportunity. You want to get the right kind of help. The help that helps you and your dreams does not make it more stressful.
4. Follow up with results.
Be grateful for the help you are receiving. Don't send a text or an email. Tell them in person, or like me send out thank you cards with meaningful messages.
In summary, asking for help is hard, but once you follow through and push yourself to be valuable for the chance to live the life you deserve. You will be free.
Your goals and dreams will start to become a reality and you will grow into the person you are meant to become.
There you have it! I hoped yall enjoyed today's article!
As always remember you are strong, you are beautiful, and you are HELLA freaking powerful!